According to Putu Yudha, Chief Marketing Officer of ALVA, there are four things that electric motorcycle owners need to consider in the context of electric motorcycle battery maintenance. The most important thing is not to neglect charging it.

 “Immediately charge the battery when its capacity has reached 20 percent,” Putu said in his official statement some time ago.

 The habit of charging in a minimal battery condition is not recommended because it has the potential to make its life short or quickly damaged.

 A good charging process is also done after it has cooled down. This means that you should not charge the motorcycle immediately after it has been used.

(Foto, Dok : United E-Motor)

Furthermore, if the electric motor is not used for a long time, it is best to disconnect the power by storing it in a safe place. After that, open the battery cover or remove it from the dock.

 The process of removing the battery from the dock also needs attention. According to Putu, make sure the battery is protected from exposure to water and dust when the cover is opened, or when the battery is removed from the dock.

 “When stored, make sure the battery capacity is in the range of 40 or 60 percent, not below. Battery storage temperature from -20 0C to 25 0C, with humidity <60 percent RH,” he said.

 Speaking of charging habits, Hendro Sutono, an electric motorcycle activist and spokesperson for the Electric Motorcycle Community (Kosmik), also advised against frequent charging using the fast charging model, especially for electric motorcycles with embedded battery systems.

 Although fast charging has the advantage of charging speed on the battery, but without realizing it, there is a bad effect because it can damage the components inside in the long run.

 “It's better to use the original or default charger, if fast charging means forcing a large amount of energy into the battery in a short time. The battery is forced to absorb large energy in a short time so that it will get tired quickly,” he said.

 Not only that, in order to keep the battery life of the electric motor longer, it is advisable for users not to encourage usage even though the manufacturer's specifications have a long enough mileage.

 The reason is, if a user uses an electric motorcycle more than 50 kilometers in one day, it is feared that the internal temperature will rise due to the discharge carried out by the dynamo.

 With the temperature increasing, it will automatically affect the condition of the battery. Even worse, it has an impact on battery performance, which decreases until it is quickly damaged.