Provisions for Converting Fuel Motor to Electric Motors
As the popularity of electric vehicles grows, more and more people want to use these vehicles with the desire to reduce emissions and to save money on fuel. For people who are reluctant to buy a new motorcycle because they still have a working fuel motor, there is also an opportunity to convert the motorcycle into an electric motorcycle through a conversion program organized by the government. However, this program is apparently still has not been realized to the fullest. Therefore, check out the program requirements below!
In Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 3 tahun 2023 promulgated on March 27, 2023, the government considers that there is a need for support to overcome obstacles to the affordability of battery-based electric motorcycle vehicles for the public. This regulation stipulates that the cost of converting an electric motorcycle is limited to a maximum of 17 million rupiah with a rebate value of 7 million rupiah per converted motorcycle. This program is planned to be provided for 50,000 electric motorcycles in fiscal year 2023 and 150,000 electric motorcycles in fiscal year 2024.
To participate in this program, beneficiaries only need to provide the necessary letters, proofs, or documents (SIM, STNK, KTP) and maintain the converted motorcycle. There are 8 subsequent conversion stages carried out by conversion workshops. The conversion workshops appointed by the government must pass a verification stage to be able to participate in this program, and will continue to be evaluated for their performance.